Bibelen på Hverdagsdansk / The Bible in everyday language
2K/DENMARK did the typesetting and overall design of the new 2015-version of the Danish Bible in Everyday Language (Bibelen på Hverdagsdansk). Each edition has a distinct character while at the same time it maintains a sense of familiarity to the other members of the series.
We've put a lot of thought and care into the way the covers symbolically carries the meaning of the content. Read more below. Or, if you're so inclined, just look at the pictures.
Premium, Black Leather. The symbolism of the mesh pattern is subtly abstracted. A cross shape is visible in the mesh, with imperfections breaking the pattern. These imperfections could represent brokenness and vulnerability or they could, if the mesh is seen as a lattice, be interpreted as holes in the cage providing light and hope.
Premium, White PU. The dove with the olive branch is found in the story of Noah, in which the olive branch announces the regeneration of life after the flood. The dove symbolises the Holy Spirit and thus God's presence and intimate relationship with the believer. In this way the dove and the olive branch represent both God’s life-giving coming to us, as well as our worship and prayer prompted by his Holy Spirit in us.
Premium, Grey PU. The symbolism of thorns in a Christian context is quite paradoxical. The most immediate connotations would be those of pain and evil, but under the surface, we also find God’s gracious love; represented by birds in the thicket. God reveals himself as Israel’s saviour in the burning bush of thorns. Jesus Christ is revealed as the great King of God’s Kingdom when painfully crowned with thorns by scornful soldiers.
Trend editions, PU covers.
Yellow. The sunflower symbolises the sun and the light, both of which are biblical expressions of God’s blessing and guidance. The crown of the sunflower will during the day turn its face towards the sun receiving light from it. Thereby it becomes an image of the way believers should be directed towards God, recieving light and power from him. Further, the Fibonacci pattern in the crown of the flower is an expression of the intelligent and well-ordered design of creation.
Burgundy. Ears of grain and grapes are traditional Christian symbols for the elements of the Lord’s Supper, the wine and the bread is the blood and body of Christ. In the communion we experience the union of the earthly and the divine, of the everyday and the eternal. And also the union of familiar language and the Word of God, which is the Bible itself.
Turquoise. In the Old Testament, the cypresses – whether they stand majestic or are levelled with the ground – symbolise the circumstances of God’s people. God will let water flow in the desert providing water for cypresses and acacias to burst into leaf and flourish (Isaiah 41:18-19). By the power of God the fallen humanity can receive life and become his church; oases of blooming acacias and high-reaching cypresses.
Hard cover. On the hardcover edition, the thorny branch serves as a dramatic backdrop to the biblical promise: “I am with you always”. That is, also in hard times of pain and suffering. The crown of thorns, the royal crown of Christ, is the strongest expression of God’s own experience of human pain and suffering. The entire quote from Matthew 16:20 is found on the back of the book.
Paperback. On the paperback, the lily serves as a promising backdrop to the second part of the quote found on the hardcover: “Unto the end of the world”. The lily symbolises the resurrection, coincidently, the end of the world. The lily in all its white dignity also symbolises purity; the purity of which we must wait until the end of the world to fully obtain. The entire quote from Matthew 16:20 is found on the back of the book.